Master Vet group is the large veterinarian pharmaceutical, animal supplement and feed mill group in Thailand. More than 30 years, we are growing from small company to a group of companies that has comprehensive operation in animal health. Our group consist of veterinary pharmaceutical and supplements industry, Feed mill, Import-Export company, Laboratories company, Transport and distribution company.
We provide and extensive range of registered antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic , antiparasitic, vitamin, mineral, chemotherapeutic, milk products, enzyme, acidifier, supplements and disinfectant in the form of injectable preparations, water-soluble, oral solution and premix.

Dr. Atichart Krongthaew D.V.M
Chief Executive Officer
Message From CEO
Master Vet company was founded with the intent of veterinarian team that willing to revolution Thai livestock industry to meet the world standard.
- Add product value to research and develop product to match customer need and in every environment
- Add value to production process to improve our production process for the best result and outcome.
- Add value to the market by offering veterinary product and solutions to assist our customer.
"Our vision"
“Our Mission”
- A Responsibility to manufacture and support world-class standard products at affordable price with research & development.
- A commitment to provide highest satification to customers, farmers, suppliers like our family
- An emphasis on safety working a maintaining clean environment
- A dedication to enhancing the health of farm & companion animals
- Professional – by Large manufacture facility
- Innovation – by Research & Development facility
- Quality – by Laboratory facility
Master Vet is also growing daily. Our product has grown in the last two years to over 1000 products across worldwide.And we continues to expand our product and improve our team to not just serving what customers need, but to exceed our customers’ expectations.